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  • Writer's pictureThe Prior

Benefit 2021

Mindful of the fatherly care of St. Joseph as we move into the future, the theme of this year’s Mount St. Joseph Annual Fundraiser is “Saint Joseph: Reflecting the Father's Love for us.” Because of the lifting of the Covid restrictions, we will be able to hold the fundraiser on the monastery grounds on Sunday September 12, 2021, after the 9:30am Mass. We will have a luncheon which will include the announcement of the 2021 Friends of the Carmelites Honoree award and the silent auction and grand raffle winners.

On behalf of all the friars here at Mount St. Joseph, I extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your friendship throughout the years and for your continual support of our life and ministry. Please be assured of our prayers as we ask Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and St. Joseph to obtain an abundance of God’s blessings for you and your loved ones. Together as friends, we move into the future with confidence, trusting in the fatherly love and care of St. Joseph.

In Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,

Fr. Thomas Reeves, O.C.D, Prior

Mount St. Joseph Carmelite Monastery


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